While our representative was attending to the needs of our slightly injured truck personnel, PSG told him to have the truck towed ASAP because it's a "threat to security". Our representativethen called up MMDA to ask for their towing services.
Needless to say, our people cannot do anything but wait for the MMDA tow truck. But this PSG officer had been very persistent on telling our representative that the removal of the truck has to be done "at once".
We COMPLETELY understand that you're protecting the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, but f*ck! PLEASE understand that our people cannot f*****n do anything without the assistance of MMDA.
Now let me just tell you my 'dear' PSG officer, you did not help us by any means. Anyhoo, I just want to say THANK YOU. Thank you for annoying us.
and F*** you. I hate you.

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